Still Alive & Kicking …. just

It seems like forever since I sat with my blog or even looked at reader to be honest.

A super testing month or so that at one point I thought would strip me of my remaining sane brain cell BUT disaster averted and slow but sure on the climb back to the real world again.

My latest life tests have been that of both wife and mother. When we are put into the front battle line in defence or protection of those we love so very deeply it reveals parts of your nature that maybe you didnt know existed. I have felt fear like nothing I have ever felt before, yet ironicly strength too!

Investing so much of myself in these processes has left me, as you can well imagine, exhausted. The first thing to go was my crafts. So intent on fixing everything around me yet in the process of doing that didnt notice I was breaking!

So tonight after walking past my ongoing crochet blanket for the 1000th time, I sat down, picked it up and started to crochet. I spent just 45 minutes on it this time but already feel re engaged with what makes me whole.  Really any kind of ‘art’ takes my mind to a better place.  I dont yet feel inclined to sew, the great love of my life.  That mojo is in a hiding place unknown to me at this moment in time. Nevertheless a good start with the crochet I think.

I dont think I shall make any promises to myself just yet but will keep my crochet bag in full view so I can just pick it up and give it 10 minutes here and there.

Heres a picture of the ever so slowly growing blanket for my 19 year old 😉


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Tanglewood Knots

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LucyAnn &Luna craft

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Honey Hi Stitches

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The Victorian Archivist

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Hooks Needles and Kittens

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Little bit of tidbits

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Lányos Handmade

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Curvy Sewing Collective

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Fuck Off Bunting.

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Crochet blog

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FabriCate & Mira

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