One Crazy Hour …..

Walthamstow stash

Walthamstow stash

Look no pattern just some pins and bombs away

Look no pattern just some pins and bombs away


Modelled by the lovely DD2 with monster puppy looking on

Modelled by the lovely DD2 with monster puppy looking on


Slim little mare, would like to say I had abs like that once but I would be lying!

Slim little mare, would like to say I had abs like that once but I would be lying!


…. Well one hour and ten minutes!

The itch to sew something quick and easy to satisfy me was dealt with this evening.

Having seen a rather nifty cheat method to make a fashion kimono for DD2 on You Tube by Mighty Mannie, I had it set in my mind to crack on with supplies from the Walthamstow stash on my return from work. Well best laid plans and all that, I got started at 7pm and by 8.10pm job done 🙂

A few changes next time, I simply have to bind the neck can’t be faffing with the cheat. For me the finish is too bodgeville. As ever french seams for me, a must actually with this Italian laser print as it sheds like crazy. If I had chosen a fabric less inclined to zoot off in a direction other than the one I wanted it would easily have been done in 50 minutes which for a quick fashion accessory ain’t half bad me thinks 😉

DD2 is a UK size 6-8 so pretty tiny thus kimono-esque jacket is a bit big but she totally loves it and at the end of the day that’s why I do it.

Hope you like the pics and the hastily thrown together blog but wanted to share as all in all really happy with my one hour wonder!

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. CurlsnSkirls
    Aug 06, 2014 @ 22:12:49

    Knew the urge to sew would strike sooner or later!
    Great make – great fabric – great model – great post!


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